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Glumica provela sedam sati kod frizera da bi postala sijeda

Filmska zvijezda Jane Fonda se pojavila na pozornici dodjele Oscara i sve iznenadila svojim izgledom.

Objavljeno: 11.02.2020. u 16:30
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Glumica je dodijelila nagradu za najbolji film koja je ove godine pripala južnokorejskoj crnoj komediji Parazit, a na pozornicu je ušetala sa sijedom i dosta kraćom kosom.

Iako su joj 82 godine te je vjerovatno i prirodno sijeda, Jane je svoju plavkastu kosu trebala obojiti u sivo, a makeover je potrajao čak sedam sati, što je na Instagramu otkrio njen frizer.

Jack Martin je napisao da je glumica strpljivo sjedila i zapisivala bilješke za svoju nadolazeću knjigu, a otkrio je i zašto je odjednom odlučila postati sijeda.

- Zatražila je da je obojim u hladnu srebreno-plavu nijansu kako bi iznenadila sve na Oscaru. Bila je jako zadovoljna rezultatom - napisao je između ostaloga Martin.

Plan joj je upalilo, a osim što je sve iznenadila novom bojom kose, glumica je zablistala u ponovljenom izdanju i time potvrdila da će se držati nedavno datog obećanja da više neće kupovati odjeću, a što je i ispoštovala pa je na dodjeli Oscar obukla haljinu koju je već nosila i to prije šest godina.


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I had the honor and the pleasure to transform the legendary actress @janefonda hair specially for the 2020 Oscar. Spending 7 hours with this amazing Hollywood star and witnessing her energy, beauty, strength and femininity was so inspiring. For straight 7 hours while I was working on her hair she was writing chapters in her due soon book, and memorizing her lines in the famous tv show Frankie and grace that she is shooting the 7th season now, answering emails and reading her newspapers plus communicating with me and her team with the sweetest, humblest soul, she made me feel ashamed to complain of being tired. This experience was extremely great and I will never forget this amazing day, thanks to the talented @jjhanousek and @deleonmakeup for nominated me to her. Formula: Jane had about 3 inches of her salt and pepper natural roots and the rest was a little tired warm golden blonde, her goal color was a silver icy blonde to surprise everyone at the 2020 Oscar presenting the final award winner for the movie of the year. I started the 7 hours process by giving miss Fonda a platinum card, by bleaching all her hair back to back by taking very thin sections in foils using @oligopro extra blonde with 20 vol and olaplex on the virgin hair and 10 vol with @olaplex on previously colored hair. Once I reached very pale blonde level 11 After 3 hours processing rinsed hair and did olaplex number 2 for 20 minutes, rinsed hair then prtone hair to cancel all the yellowish hue in the hair and prepare a solid white canvas by using @redken shade eq 1/2 oz 9B + 1/2 oz 10vv mixed with 3 once of clear (00) and double the total amount of processing solution for about 10 minutes, rinsed hair, towel dried and apply the final toner by @wellahairusa blondor 1/2 pale silver + 1/2 pale platinum mixed with 6 vol developer for 30 minutes, shampooed, conditioned. Hair felt amazingly healthy and Jane was extremely happy for getting her dream hair that took her a while to find a colorist that can do it perfectly in a very painless process. @modernsalon @behindthechair_com @american_salon #sliverhair #whitehair #platinumhair #oscars2020 #theoscars2020

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