


Sin glavne urednice Vogua u samoizolaciji: On je doktor i trenutno je jako bolestan

Glavna urednica magazina Vogue, Anna Wintour (70), na svom Instagram nalogu podijelila je informacije o sinu koji radi kao doktor u jednoj bolnici na Manhattanu.

Objavljeno: 09.04.2020. u 20:54
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Anna Wintour
Anna Wintour

- Moj sin je doktor. Trenutno je jako bolestan i nalazi se u samoizolaciji. Kada se oporavi, ponovno će se vratiti na posao - rekla je u videu koji je objavila.

- Jako sam ponosna na njega i zahvalna svim zdravstvenim radnicim koji čine sve što mogu da zaustave širenje virusa i spase živote - dodala je.

Wintour je progovorila i o problemima koji su nastali u svijetu mode i dizajna zbog koronavirusa.

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“Tom [Ford] and I are not doctors, but there is so much help that is needed, especially as small businesses and workers around this country suffer devastating economic consequences,” Anna Wintour says, adding: “The fashion industry has been hit hard. I have been speaking to so many American designers and others in the community who fear that they won’t make their payroll or have had their orders returned, stores closed, who fear that their businesses and their livelihoods may not survive what we’re going through. The fund we’ve created is intended to help them and the talented people they work with.” #CVFFACommonThread Source(️) . . #annawintour #stayhome

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