


Curtis: Kirk Douglas mi je spasio život

Glumac Kirk Douglas spasio mi je život, napisala je glumica Jamie Lee Curtis u posveti preminulom glumcu, prenosi CNN.

Objavljeno: 10.02.2020. u 16:07
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Kertis i Daglas
Kertis i Daglas

U objavi na Instagramu Curtis se prisjetila kako je, dok je bila mala, završila triciklom u bazenu na zabavi.

Douglas je zaronio u bazen i izvukao je s dna dok je još uvijek pedalirala.

- Kirk i Anne bili su važni mojim roditeljima. Sjećam se da mi je Kirk spasio život kad sam se triciklom odvezla u bazen na zabavi, a on je zaronio i podigao me s dna gdje sam još uvijek pedalirala - napisala je glumica.

Pogledajte ovu objavu na Instagramu.

Kirk and Anne were important to BOTH my parents. Here in The Vikings with both Tony and Janet. I just remembered this morning that Kirk saved my life when I rode my tricycle into the pool at a party and he dove in and brought me up from the bottom, still peddling. I was in school with their son, Eric who they lost in 2004. Tony lost his son, Nicholas in 1994. Families tied together in life and success and loss and struggle, past and present. Kirk is an example for us ALL. COURAGE. INTEGRITY. GENEROSITY. Their foundation link is in my website. See the work that they did for others. The playgrounds they built. Join them and me and honoring his legacy.

Objavu dijeli Jamie Lee Curtis (@curtisleejamie)