


Ove jeseni nosi se "shag": Boemska frizura koja će osvojiti i ljubiteljice zaglađene kose

Iako volite da je svaka dlaka na svom mjestu, buntovnička frizura koja će se nositi ove jeseni mogla bi vas lako osvojiti.

Objavljeno: 06.10.2020. u 09:58
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Riječ je o frizuri zvanoj "shag" što u prijevodu znači čupavo, a zapravo je modernizirana verzija frizure popularne sedamdesetih godina i devedesetih u eri grungea.

Kod ove vrlo prilagodljive i praktične frizure prvo u oči upada izraženi slojeviti stil šišanja što daje dojam opuštenog glamura bez obzira na to imate li kraću ili dužu kosu.

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Hello from the other side. . . . #shaghaircut #lisburnroad #lisburnroadhair #belfasthair #belfast #northernireland #ireland #hair #lovehair #hairoftheday #precisionhaircut

A post shared by Michael Purehair (@michael_phhair) on

Kombinacija perjasto ošišane kose oko lica i puno rascjepkanih slojeva daje volumen, a da bi frizura iz dana u dan izgledala izvrsno, vrlo lako ju je održavati te vam treba samo sprej na bazi morske soli koji će je osvježiti, savjetuju frizerski stručnjaci.

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Could you be living undiagnosed with curls? . . . Upon first looking at Marissa's hair, you probably wouldn't describe it as curly. . . . Upon touching it, the fact that there is alot of texture hiding is undeniable. . . . Your hair doesn't have to conjure Botticelli or coils to be made for curly hair products . . . The same moisture and hold ratio that works so well for tight twirls can also work for taming a variety of tenacious textures. . . . After cutting, all it took was working in a rich curl cream and a diffuse to create this effortless look. . . . #effortlesshair #naturalhair #naturalhairtexture #texturedhair #diffusedhair #modernshag #shaghaircut #longshag #beforeandaftershag #hairtransformation #shagtransformation #longshaggyhair #texturedshag #coarsehair #thickhair #bighairdontcare #ittakesapro #crafthairdresser #modernsalon #hairbrainedofficial #behindthechair #cuthairlikefemale #poppyhairsalon #popsugarbeauty #coolgirlhair #hairupdate #undonehair

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