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Dame koje su blistale na otvaranju 76. izdanja Filmskog festivala u Veneciji
Prošle godine ovu filmsku smotru uveličale su, između ostalih, i Lady Gaga, Dakota Johnson i Ryan Gosling, a ove godine očekuju se još veća imena, poput Brada Pitta i Joaquina Phoenixa
29.08.2019. u 18:15
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Na sinoć otvorenom 76. Filmskom festivalu u Veneciji crvenom tepihom prošetale su brojne slavne glumice i manekenke i najavile kako će i ove godine događaj biti i modno zanimljiv.

Prošle godine ovu filmsku smotru uveličale su, između ostalih, i Lady Gaga, Dakota Johnson i Ryan Gosling, a ove očekuju se još veća imena, poput Brada Pitta i Joaquina Phoenixa.

Prema tvrdnjama stručnjaka, na sinoćnjem otvaranju naglamuroznije su bile: Candice Swanepoel, Martha Hunt, Iman, Juliette Binoche, Catherine Deneuve, Elsa Hosk...

Juliette Binoche



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Thank you for having me @etro it’s a dream come true being able to see Venice. #graziemille #venice76 @tabayerjewelry @elizabethsulcer

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La Vérité premiere Thank you @albertaferretti for a magical first stay in Venice! (I wish I didn’t have to cut off the full photo!)

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Ancora foto di questa meraviglia! #CatherineDeneuve#Deneuve#Love#Reine#Actress#france#Model#paris#film #JulietteBinoche

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Woke up with a smile️ Thank you @etro and Venice film festival for the most magical opening ceremony. I feel so lucky to have these experiences and see the world with friends ️

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